新冠肺炎(Covid 19) 患者後遺症之症狀與治療
新冠肺炎(Covid 19) 患者後遺症之症狀與治療 新冠疫情爆發至今已超過三年,凡是公開透明的先進的國家.其染疫人數的比例,幾乎都已逾百分之五十,而其症狀諸如:發燒 咳嗽 流鼻涕 失去味覺 不聞香臭 頭痛 眩暈 身體僵硬痠痛 倦怠乏力 吐瀉等,或無感...
We continue to take precautions inside our clinic to minimise the risk of spread of Covid-19. This ensures the health and wellbeing of all our patients and staff, and allows us to continue being here for you. As a healthcare service provider, ALL PATIENTS/VISITORS ARE REQUIRED TO WEAR A MEDICAL MASK IF THEY ARE ENTERING THE CLINIC.
Do not come to the clinic if you have COVID. Instead, phone the dedicated Healthline number: 0800 358 5453 for COVID-19 health advice. Thank you for your consideration.