椎間盤突出 HIVD (Herniated Intervertebral Disc)
椎間盤突出 HIVD (Hernited Intervertebral Disc) 椎間盤是位於椎軆之間的軟骨,中央有髓核,四周環繞著強韌的纖維環,具有緩衝壓力的作用. 病因 : 椎間盤突出的原因很多,如經常搬運重物,跌倒,或重力撞擊,運動傷害,長期姿勢不良,年長後因退化及...
We continue to take precautions inside our clinic to minimise the risk of spread of Covid-19. This ensures the health and wellbeing of all our patients and staff, and allows us to continue being here for you. As a healthcare service provider, ALL PATIENTS/VISITORS ARE REQUIRED TO WEAR A MEDICAL MASK IF THEY ARE ENTERING THE CLINIC.
Do not come to the clinic if you have COVID. Instead, phone the dedicated Healthline number: 0800 358 5453 for COVID-19 health advice. Thank you for your consideration.